Check Shab e Barat Mubarak’s Status, Quotes Images, and photos in Urdu and English. Get also Mid Shaban Nawafil namaz ka Tarika or Wazifa ki Haqeeqat guide, date, and duas. Are you waiting for Shab e Barat (Mid-Sha’ban) desperately? Be happy! As your wait is going to over soon. The month of Shaban has started! The month of Shaban has secured a significant position among the Islamic months according to the Islamic calendar 2024. This is the month which Nabi (SAW) has dedicated himself and used to fast more than other Islamic months except for the month of Ramadan.

Shab e Barat 2024 is going to happen on Tuesday, March 7 (Mid-Shaban) and ends on the evening of Wednesday, Fed 25 2024.
Shab-e-Bara Fasting Dua Niyyat for Roza
Check Duas for Forgiveness – Allah se Magfirat ki Dua

Another reason for the importance of Shaban is the night of Barat which is known as Shab e Barat.

Shab e Barat History
Shab e Barat is famous as the night of absolution or forgiveness and on this night the record of human beings is prepared who will be born and pass away this year. The night is celebrated in mid-Shaban on the night between the 14th and 15th of Shaban. People stay up all night and spend the whole night in offering Nawafil, doing Zikar, reciting the Quran, asking for Allah’s forgiveness, and begging for freedom from Hellfire. This is the night on which God determines the destiny of humans.
Allah’s Messenger told Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) about the midnight of Shaban: “In it, the record is made of every human being who will be born, and of every human being who will pass away this year. In it, their deeds are taken up to heaven and in their provisions are sent down.” (Baihaqi).
Laylat ul Barat is celebrated in different ways in different parts of the world. Even the name of the night also differs in multiple countries. In Pakistan and India, it is known as Shab e Barat. In Iran, it is pronounced as Nim Sha’ban. The night is called Nim Sha’ban in countries where people speak Malay. The people of Turkey named this night Berat Kandili.
If you want to read all Duas, you should read Islamic Duas from the Quran and Hadith.
Shab e Barat ki Fazilat – Blessings of Shab e Barat
The night is full of bounties of blessings and dedicated to freedom from hellfire and the night of forgiveness. This Hadith will make things clear about the benefits of Allah’s worship on this sacred night.
The Fazilat of Shab e Barat is clarified in a hadith that states that God had announced that three hundred gates of heaven are opened on each laylat-ul Barat for those who believe in one God.

Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A) stated that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: Hazrat Jibrael came to me on the night of mid-Sha’ban and said to me: “O Prophet of Allah, head heavenwards!” I asked him: “What night is this?” and he replied: “This is the night when Allah Almighty opens three hundred of the gates of mercy, forgiving all who do not make anything His partner. The only exceptions are those who practice sorcery or divination, are addicted to wine, or persist in usury and illicit sex; these He does not forgive until they repent.”

Fasting on the following day of the night of Laylat ul Barat is also recommended. As Hazrat Ali (R.A) reported the Holy Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) told: “When the middle night of Shaban arrives, spend it in worship and fast during the day. On this night, at sunset, Allah descends to the nearest heaven and announces: ‘Is there no one asking forgiveness that I may forgive him? Is there no one asking provision that I may grant him provision? Is there no one afflicted that I may relieve them? Is there not such and such?’ (He keeps announcing) till the dawn comes.”

So, in the context of the above-mentioned Hadith, the night is a chance for everyone to ask for forgiveness from Allah. It’s a great time to attain Allah’s mercy which comes once a year.

This is the night on which your destiny is decided that you will live or die this year. So, don’t waste this precious night in sleep and make sure the freedom from hellfire by purifying your heart and making a promise to God that you will never follow the sinful path.
Shab e Barat Nawafil & Duas (Prayers) Wazifa
Allah decides about the life of every human on this night that he will live or not in this year. So offer Nawafil to extend your life, to evade upcoming hardships, to attain prosperity.

The method of offering these Nawafil is also explained for your convenience.
- Offer six Rakats Namaz by doing Niyyah of two Rakats in each, offer the first two for extension of life, the second two to avoid hardships, and the third two to avail prosperity. After each Rakat, recite Surat ul Yaseen one time or recite Surat ul Ikhlas twenty-one times and then recite the Dua of Nisaf Shaban one time.
To avail the forgiveness of sins:
- Offer 10 Rakats of Nawafil in a way that recites Surat ul Ikhlas eleven times after Surat al Fatiha. Allah forgives the person who offers these Nawafil and provides Barakah in life.
To attain prosperity:
- Offer two Rakat Nafal on the night of the 15th of Shaban and recite Ayat ul Kursi one time, and Surat ul Ikhlas 15 times. And after offering these Nafal recited Darood Sharif 100 times and made Dua for the prosperity of income.
Shab e Barat Namaz
- Offer the Shab e Barat Namaz of 100 Nawafil and recite Surat ul Ikhlas 10 times in each Rakah. This Namaz is called Salat ul Khair (the prayer to attain Goodness).
- Offer the 14 Rakah namaz with seven salams. Recite Surat ul Kafiron, Surat ul Ikhlas, Surat ul Naas, and Surat ul Falaq each time. After each Two Rakah recites Ayat ul Kursi one time and the last verses of Surat ul Toba. This prayer is recommended to ensure the acceptance of Prayer(Dua) whether it is for worldly or religious matters.

Shab e Barat Namaz Niyyat ka Tarika
Niyat karta hum mein (jitni rakat ap prhna chah rhe hun, for example niyyat krta/krti hun me 2 rakat) rakat namaz nafal, waqt (jo bhi ho kahiye), waaste Allah ke, muh mera kaaba sharif ki taraf.

Shab e Barat Mubarak Status, Quotes, Images, Pics
Are you searching for some altisonant which explains lacerative & you can share it with your companions at this “SHAB-E-BARAT”? Be relaxed, and stay with us because we bring something for you “SHAB-E-BARAT QUOTES”!

Let’s welcome the blessed night with some beautiful Shab-e-Barat Quotes.
His blessing from Punishment (Azaab) by offering prayers the whole night”
Shab-e-Barat is one of the most precious nights in the Islamic calendar due to its Fazilat (Greatness). Once our
beloved Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم endured in sajdah for a long time. The Sajdah was so long that the beloved wife of our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) became nervous about Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم .
When Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم ended his prayer, he clarified his long Sajdah to Hazrat Ayesha (R. A), and He asked, “Ayesha do you know the significance of that night? It is the mid-Shabaan night (a month before Ramzan-ul-Mubarak).
SHAB-E-BARAT is knocking at the doors please open your heart and achieve the golden chance to change the destinies of your own and also those who are your kithe. May ALLAH showers his uncountable blessings on the whole faithful. Ameen.