Ramadan Itikaf 2024 – Rules, Dua, types & benefits

Do you want to perform Itikāf in Ramadan Kareem? If yes! Then do the Niyyah in your heart to perform i’tikaf and get your vow with God done. Don’t know about it? Want to learn about I’tikaf? Let’s have a detailed look to understand the significance of i’tikaf in the month of Ramadan. There are rules for females and males. Check registration for i’tikaf in Madinah that is given below.

What is Itikaf in 2022?

The word i’tikaf belongs to Arabic origin which means to isolate oneself or adhere to something. In Ramadan Kareem, many Muslims perform I’tikaf by spending the last 10 fast’s days and nights in mosques by isolating themselves from people and the matters of the world while sticking to Ibadah.

Itikaf is a way to cure the wounds of the soul. Allah has blessed us with the month of Ramadan and then in Ramadan, he bestowed us with Itikaf for our spiritual retreat. Whenever Ramadan is mentioned anywhere, the discussion will never be completed without pointing the holy ritual i’tikaf out.

It is performed in the last 10 days of Ramadan which are dedicated to the freedom from hellfire as well as the night of Qadar is also present in these days. Laylat ul qadar is the night on which God had sent down the Quran-e-Hakeem from heavens to our Prophet (PBUH). The night which is better than 1000 other nights.

So, doing i’tikaf in the last Ashra of Ramadan will definitely bring closeness in your relationship with God. Hazrat Ayesha R.A narrated:

“The Prophet (SAW) used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practice Itikaf after him.” (Bukhari)

The thawab of performing i’tikaf is also boundless. As it is narrated that Nabi (SAW) said:

“He who observes the ten days Itikaf during Ramadan will obtain the reward of two Hajj and two Umrah.” (Bayhaqi)

So are you ready to avail the cost-free option to earn the thawab of Hajj and Umrah?


Download Dua for Itikaf Image PDF – Itikaf ki Dua, Niyat

itikaf Niyyat and Dua Image PDF free download 2019

Itikaf Niyah in Arabic:

بسم الله دخلت و عليه توكلت و نويت سنت الاعتكاف۔ اللهم افتح لي ابواب رحمتكك

Itikaf Dua English Transliteration:

Bismillahi Dakhaltu Wa’Alayhi Tawakkaltu Wanawaytu Sunnatul I’tikaaf

Itikaaf Dua in English:

“With the Blessed Name of Allah have I entered (into the Masjid) and in Him have I placed my trust, and I have made the intention of the Sunnah of I’itikaf. O Allah open Your doors of Mercy upon me.”

Types of Itikaf

There are three types of I’tikaf according to Islam.

  1. Sunnah Itikaf

The Sunnah Itikaf is performed in the last ten days of Ramadan to follow the actions of our Prophet (PBUH)

2. Nafl Itikaf

The Nafl I’tikaf can be performed on any day or night of the year depending upon the will of the performer.

3. Wajib Itikaf

The Wajib Itikaf is compulsory to perform. The I’tikaf became wajib when you make a niyyah or vow to God to offer i’tikaf based on a condition.

Itikaf Rules for Female and Male 2022

There are some specific rules that one should follow to perform Itikaf.

  • The first and foremost rule or condition to perform this holy ritual is that the person should be a Muslim.
  • The person should be in a good state of mind to do reasonable thoughts and make decisions. To go in detail, the person should not be under the influence of any type of drug that may affect the mental state. The person with a mental illness should not perform I’tikaf as he would be able to make clear decisions on his own.
  • The 3rd and most important Itikaf rule is to make an intention for Itikaff. The intention should depict that you are going to perform it for the sake of God and to spend time in pleasing Him by doing Ibadah.
  • Women should take permission from their father or husband if married to offer Itikaf.
  • The person should keep her body neat and clean to fulfil the condition of Tahara.
  • The person should preserve the state of wudu to follow the I’tikaf,
  • The person should spend his time in offering prayers, recitation of the Quran, doing Nafal Ibadah, and making dua with dhikr.
  • Fasting is also required during i’tikaf days as God has stated Itikaf in the Quran in relation to the fasting of Ramadan.
  • Men should offer i’tikaf in the masjid.

Itikaf for Females

Women are also allowed to perform i’tikaf in their homes. However married women need the permission of their husbands before starting Itikaf. She should pick a proper place in her home and make it separate where other people can’t come.

Females should take care of their menstrual days because if she gets her menstrual days during i’tikaf then her i’tikaf we be no more valid and she has to offer the Qaeda for it.

When she became clean she should do one-day i’tikaf from sunset to the next sunset.

Itikaf Rules for females in Urdu

خواتین کو بھی اپنے گھروں میں اعتکاف کی اجازت ہے۔ البتہ شادی شدہ خواتین کو اعتکاف شروع کرنے سے پہلے اپنے شوہروں کی اجازت درکار ہوتی ہے۔ اسے اپنے گھر میں ایک مناسب جگہ کا انتخاب کرنا چاہیے اور اسے الگ کرنا چاہیے جہاں دوسرے لوگ نہ آسکیں۔

عورتوں کو چاہیے کہ وہ اپنے ایام حیض کا خیال رکھیں کیونکہ اگر اسے اعتکاف کے دوران ماہواری کے ایام آجائے تو اس کا اعتکاف صحیح نہیں رہے گا اور اسے اس کے لیے قعدہ کرنا ہوگا۔

جب وہ پاک ہو جائے تو غروب آفتاب سے اگلے غروب آفتاب تک ایک دن کا اعتکاف کرے۔

Itikaf Benefits

  • Offering Itikaf has numerous benefits.
  • A person takes oneself away from this materialistic world and its
  • He/she gets time to develop a pure connection with God.
  • Time for one’s self-reflection.
  • A way to say thanks to Allah for His blessings.
  • More time to understand and reciting the Quran.
  • The best time to train oneself according to the teachings of Islam and the Quran.
  • Bundles of Virtues.
  • By refraining from idle talk and gossip it becomes a chance to earn more thawab.
  • The purification of the heart and soul is also attained from Itikaf.
  • Man becomes less interested in the materialistic world.

Do’s of Itikaf

  • Offering prayers regularly
  • Offering the special Namaz-e-Taraweeh to make your fasting more productive because the Quran is recited during this prayer.
  • Stay in the mosque.
  • Stay away from people.
  • Avoid useless talks and do only worldly talks that are necessary.
  • Spend time in doing zikr, prayers, nafal ibadah and recitation of Quran.

Don’ts of Itikaf

  1. Don’t leave the mosque.
  2. False intention (Niyyah) as if you are offering i’tikaf just to impress your family and friends.
  3. Building Sexual relationship is not allowed during i’tikaf.
  4. Avoid unnecessary arguing and useless talks.
  5. Avoid all the major and minor sins during the i’tikaf period.

Itikaf Registration in Madinah

What more blessed way could there be to spend your month of Ramadan, if not, the last ten days of Ramadan in the city of the Prophet SAWW in Madinah? Absolutely nothing is comparable! Since every Muslim wants to spend this blessed month in Madinah, bookings for i’tikaf start taking place very early and the closer this month gets, the harder it is to get a spot.

Those who are interested, know that registration will be started this year after 25th Sha’aban until 10th of Ramadan. This is specifically for Madinah as in Makkah, there’s no need to register, you can go directly and find yourself a suitable spot.

One other benefit, apart from the biggest one, is that you don’t have to pay for a hotel or rent a place to stay as you did throughout the whole year if you went for Umrah/ Hajj. You only have to pay for your luggage which is quite less (150-200 Saudi royals) and enjoy your stay doing what you went there for a.k.an Ibadah and worship of Allah SWT alone.

This is the best way to get closer to Allah SWT and to observe the vastness and the number of Muslims, Allah’s mercy on them, and the strength of the Muslim Ummah during your stay. It just gives you another type of rising in your faith and makes you grateful even more than ever.

You have to register through renowned pages and authentic sources beforehand, though. If you want, you can contact [email protected] for any queries and further details on itekaf registration in Madinah.

Itikaf Mubarak Wishes Messages

As you begin your itikaf, we pray that Allah blesses you with a fruitful and spiritually enriching experience. May He grant you peace of mind and heart, and fill your days with His love and mercy. Ameen!
Happy itikaf! May Allah grant you all that you seek during this special time. Ameen!
May Allah bless you and keep you always in His care. Ameen!
As we enter the month of Ramadan, let us all take part in the blessed act of itikaf. It is a time for us to reflect on our lives and draw closer to Allah.
May Allah bless us all during this special time and grant us His forgiveness and mercy. Ameen.
Wishing you all a blessed Ramadan!
May Allah bless you and grant you success in this blessed month. May He grant you strength and perseverance in your worship.
May your prayers be answered and may you find peace and solace in His presence.
Wishing you a blessed and fruitful itikaf. May Allah make this a special time for you to remember Him and His greatness.
I hope that you have a wonderful experience in itikaf and that you come out of it closer to Allah than ever before.
May this be a time of reflection and spiritual growth for you. May Allah guide your every step and thought during this special time.
I pray that Allah grants you all the blessings of itikaf, and that you come out of this experience with a renewed sense of faith and purpose.
Wishing you a blessed itikaf! May Allah accept all your prayers and give you the strength to continue worshipping Him with all your heart.

Itikaf Mubarak gifts ideas

Itikaf is a sunnah practice that is very close to the heart of many Muslims. The act of secluding oneself in the masjid for the sake of Allah is a beautiful way to draw closer to Him and earn His blessings.

If you know someone who is observing i’tikaf this Ramadan, why not show your support and appreciation with a small gift? Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. A Quran or other Islamic books.

2. Prayer beads or a miswak.

3. A comfortable prayer mat or rug.

4. An attractive hijab or kufi.

5. Dates, nuts, or other healthy snacks.

6. A nice water bottle or tumbler.

7. A gift certificate to a local Islamic bookstore or website.

8. A subscription to a good Islamic magazine or website.

9. A set of audio CDs or DVDs featuring lectures by inspiring Muslim speakers.

10. A donation to a worthy Islamic cause in the person’s name.

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