Best imtihan ki dua to pass your exam. Dua is an Arabic word meaning ‘invocation’, ‘prayer’ or ‘supplication’. It is a fundamental part of Islam and Muslims are encouraged to recite duas on a daily basis. The Paper se Pehle ki Dua is a prayer that is recited before writing an exam. The dua asks for Allah’s help in achieving success in the exam.
Imtihan mein kamyabi ki dua
Yahan hum ny jo duain likhi hen wo zarur apki help krain gi. Ye dua paper dene se pehle ki dua ha.

Ayat Karima: Laa illaha illaa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimeen
Exam ki dua in Urdu
- Ayyat Kareema 7 bar Parhain (لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّآ اَنتَ سُبحٰنَکَ اِنِّی کُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِینَ)
- 7 Dafa Daurood Shreef parhain.
- Rabbizidnee AAilma
“Oh Allah, I seek Your help in acquiring knowledge and in understanding what I have learned. I also seek Your help in writing this exam and I pray that You grant me success. Ameen.”
We hope that this dua will help all students who are preparing for their exams. May Allah grant you success in all your endeavors. Ameen.
Wazifa for good result in exams:
We all know the importance of exams in our lives. They determine our future and can make or break our careers. That is why it is so important to do well in them. However, sometimes despite our best efforts, we don’t get the results we want.
This is where the power of wazifa comes in. Wazifa is a form of Islamic prayer that is incredibly powerful and can help you achieve anything you desire, including good results in exams.
Here is a simple wazifa for good results in exams:
Recite Surah Al-Baqarah verse 185 three times a day after every prayer.
Make sure to recite it with sincerity and focus, believing that Allah will grant you good results.
Inshallah, with the help of this wazifa, you will achieve the grades you desire.
Don’t forget to also put in the hard work required to do well in your exams!
Wazifa is a very powerful tool, but it is not a magic wand. You still need to put in the effort to succeed.
Best of luck!
imtihan mein kamyabi ki dua
imtihan ki dua
exam ki dua
paper dene se pehle ki dua
Paper se pehle ki dua is a powerful dua that requests Allah Subhanwa Tallah to shower his blessings upon you and before praying this dua have strong faith in Allah and do hard work for getting good results.