There are many benefits to Ramadan fasting on health. Do you have a fear that fasting in Ramadan might have a harmful effect on your health? Find out the surprising Benefits of Ramadan according to science for the human body that you will enjoy Ramadan and their long-term positive impacts even after Ramadan. There are more than 10 health advantages and the importance of it.
Benefits of Ramadan Fasting
Some of the benefits of Ramadan fasting include: (Quick list)
- Improving self-discipline and willpower
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Improving self-awareness
- Deepening your relationship with Allah
- Promoting physical health
Overall, Ramadan fasting is a special time for Muslims to reflect on their lives and draw closer to Allah. If you are able to fast during Ramadan, it is definitely worth the effort!
Ramadan is the chance for us to attain spiritual purification. Millions of people avail themselves of the peace of souls by fasting for 30 days from dawn to dusk each year. But there are some people who are worried that fasting might have a bad effect on their health. Especially parents became too worried about the health of their children and think that fasting is not good for the health of their children who stays at the hostel for study or job.
If you are also one of those health-conscious people then check out our list of benefits of Ramzan and you will be surprised how Ramadan and fasting bring magical advantages for our health and spiritual strength.
Ramadan Spiritual Benefits
Ramadan provides us with a golden opportunity to refresh our faith in one God and last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Nowadays, we spend most of the time doing our materialistic jobs and don’t find time to talk to Allah, even we skip our regular prayers to do some other task. By doing so, we might complete our daily tasks but it brings unease to our souls. When our soul became disturbed then it also affects our body and we could not perform well.
As if we watch our daily routine, whenever we offer our prayers regularly and recite the Quran it makes our soul relaxed and peaceful and we suddenly feel refreshed. So, Ramadan takes us out from the whirls of this temporary world and we attain taqwa by fasting. Fasting arises a sense of fear in us that someone beloved is watching us and by breaking His rules we will make Him angry. In this way, we start watching our acts out and tend toward virtue to please Allah.
In this so-called modern society, some people build illegal relationships and are involved in immoral activities. We are not able to show patience while arguing with someone and jump to abuse language and even at physical fighting. But when we fast, we prohibit ourselves from all these kind of stuff.
We restrain ourselves from food, water, illegal activities, and immoral acts which release the burden from our soul and makes our soul refreshed from the taste of virtues. As a result of our body also feels pleasure and serene.

Health Benefits of Ramadan
The inviting and appealing stuff of this modern world had spoiled our healthy life’s soberness. As we continually eat and drink something like snacks, tea, coffee, and fizzy drinks throughout the day and breakfast, lunch, and dinner are still at their place. This too much indulgence heading us towards the problem of obesity. The excessive consumption of caffeine in the form of coffee and tea makes us addicted to it and we feel down if we don’t take tea or coffee on time.
But while fasting, we are not allowed to drink and eat so, the overeating, coffee, tea, and unhealthy drinks go for a break. A person who is addicted to constant snacking, nibbling, and smoking could this unhealthy obsession out by fasting.
So, have you loved these benefits of Ramadan? Don’t worry! This is not over yet as there are many others which are listed below.
Advantages of Eating Dates
Elders teach us to eat three dates in iftar due to spiritual reasons to earn thawab. But eating dates also have some amazing benefits to our health.
Eating dates at the start of iftar is beneficial for our body as it helps us to restore low blood sugar and provide the required energy to our body to function properly after a daylong fast. Dates improve digestion as there is enough amount of fiber that we attain from dates which is good for digestion. As well as, there is a high level of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B stored in dates which makes it clear why this is the most preferred food to break the fast.
Boost the Brain
Another amazing Benefit of Ramadan fasting! You might already know that fasting increases your spiritual focus and mental comfort. But have you ever listened that fasting has incredible brain-boosting powers?
A study conducted by the scientist of USA reveals that the mental focus you achieved during Ramadan rises the neurotrophic factor up and as a result body produces more brain cells and brain function is improved. As well as a distinct reduction takes place in the amount of hormone cortisol which is produced by an adrenal gland and it greatly reduces the stress level in Ramadan and after Ramadan.
Lower Cholesterol level
During Ramadan, people became worried that they are losing weight which might be harmful. But there are lots of healthy changes that take place behind the scenes. A team of cardiologist specialists from UAE found that fasting reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Low cholesterol reduces the chances of suffering from heart disease.
Increased Metabolism Efficiency
Fasting increases the efficiency of metabolism which results in better absorption of nutrition from food. This happens due to an increase in adiponectin hormone which is produced by fasting and eating late at night.
Due to efficient metabolism, various body areas absorb a better amount of required nutrition’s to function properly.
Appetite Reduction
During Ramadan, we eat much less as compared to our daily routine. Due to the reduced eating throughout Ramadan, the stomach shrinks and you feel filled by eating less food.
So Ramadan is best to change the bad habit of overeating and adopt good eating habits. At the end of Ramadan, you will feel that your appetite has fallen, and then you can maintain your weight more easily.
Positive Psychological Effects
Fasting in Ramadan has positive psychological effects. Fasting brings peace and calmness to personality. The crime rate also decreases in Ramadan as Muslims follow the Hadith of our Prophet (PBUH) who said:
“If one slanders you or aggresses against you, say I am fasting.”
Scientific Benefits of Ramadan Fasting
Ever since we stepped into the era of technology and science, research has taken quite a jump from 10-100 real quick. All the credit goes to the amazing hard-working people in our past whose names are so many we cannot even begin to write. So with the increase in research, there’s been an epic advancement in realizing the wonders of the Qur’an. The results of Quranic commands and Allah’s instructions given through the Prophet SAWW as well as the Holy Book are now being proven to be accurate and for our own benefit through not Muslims but science is proven by non-Muslims as well. Here are a few benefits of fasting in Ramadan that we all must know by now:
1) Blood Sugar is controlled by fasting during this one holy month since our food is in control. People at risk of diabetes have found fasting very useful.
2) Fasting throughout the whole month promotes better health which is because it fights inflammation in our body.
3) Fasting results in improved heart rate and blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels.
4) You lose weight if you want, controllably and in a healthy way.
5) Your metabolism increases during this month.
6) Growth hormone secretion increases during this which is an important factor in your growth rate and muscle strength.